Deb's Blog

Discover Your Higher Self Through Self-Healing

Life is a journey filled with ups and downs, twists and turns, and, as much as we’d like to avoid them, these painful experiences, often unbeknownst to us, hold valuable lessons for us to learn from.

We all have our share of scars and wounds, both physical and emotional. At some point in our lives, we may feel broken, lost, and in need of healing. Yet, it’s okay not to be okay. And it’s okay to acknowledge that we need help to heal.

I have had my own healing journey to work through. In fact, on some levels, I am still healing. As long as we are human, we will continue to heal.

We must acknowledge our pain, accept it, and find ways to release it constructively.

Self-healing involves a journey of self-discovery, awareness, and personal growth. At times, this journey of exploration can be painful and uncomfortable. The process of healing is not linear; it is not a one-time fix-all. Healing takes time and requires patience, compassion, and perseverance. We must acknowledge our pain, accept it, and find ways to release it constructively. The path of healing is unique to each individual. For some, it may mean seeking professional help, joining a support group, or engaging in spiritual practices. For others, it can be as simple as journaling, taking walks in nature, or practicing mindfulness.

The story of my youth involved sexual abuse and abandonment which led to me telling myself stories about how I was treated. I unintentionally told myself that I wasn’t worth loving, that other people were to be feared, and that God was someone ‘out there’ who didn’t have my best interest in mind. In my twenties and thirties, I searched for love in all the wrong places.

Healing requires vulnerability and courage. We must be willing to face our fears and confront our past traumas. It may be challenging, but releasing our emotional pain and negative beliefs is necessary. It allows us to take control of our lives, let go of self-limiting beliefs, and embrace the power of positive thinking. Recognizing and releasing anger, grief, and shame that hold us back can help us regain our strength and resilience.

Embracing the self-healing process is the first step in the journey of self-improvement. It is an empowering experience leading to self-discovery, growth, and peace.

Please know there is no shame in admitting we need help healing. Embracing the process of self-healing is the first step in the journey of self-improvement. It requires vulnerability, courage, and commitment.

As I began to wake up spiritually, I visited many energy healers, bodyworkers, and shamans to help me work through the low self-worth resulting from being treated poorly. And what helped me the most was what I’ve already mentioned….the practice of journaling. Through this practice, my soul opened its eyes to the reality that I was worthy of love and worthy of living a full, happy, vibrant life. I began telling myself a different story – one of love, forgiveness, and hope. Years later, I continue to journal my thoughts and feelings, and what comes from my hand to paper now are benevolent messages from my Sacred Self.

So take the time to invest in yourself, prioritize your well-being, and remember that healing is a journey, not a destination. As we move forward, may we embrace the power of self-love and compassion, knowing that we can choose to heal from within.

To assist in your healing journey, check out my A.A.L. Technique, along with other meditations and activations in my shop at


About the Author:  Debrah Goetz is a globally recognized medical intuitive, quantum healer, educator and author.

© 2023 Debrah Goetz and Spiritual Mastery LTD. All rights reserved.

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