“I am beyond thrilled with my recent session with Debrah!  In our work together, Debrah provided me with channeled information from a loved one, released hip pain that I have had for more than two years, released me from, and brought peace to, a significant past life trauma, and provided much insight and healing to miscellaneous aches and pains in my body.  All of this healing has left me with peace in my body that I have never known in this lifetime.

I am deeply grateful to Debrah for her wisdom, compassion, and healing abilities.  Having worked with many healers through the years, Debrah is definitely in a league of her own.  I have never come across anyone with such vast knowledge and abilities.  Debrah is a gift to all who cross her path.”

Julie P., St Charles, IL

“I’ve had one session with Debrah and it was very heartwarming.  I had a spot on my back for over a decade and it was completely healed and it disappeared! Thank you!”

Y. Richards

“During my 1 on 1 session with Debrah she channeled Jesus to break my poverty vow and heal my endocrine system.  It was the most powerful and immediately tangible and results oriented that I’ve ever had!   Thank you so much!”

Jane M.


“My 17-year-old son became ill in late 2019.  We spent 2 ½ years seeking help and consulted with 15 medical providers.  After many ER and urgent medical appointments, he was eventually given several diagnoses, but none of the treatments helped him feel better.  His illness progressed to frequent catatonic states and eventually, he had to drop out of school.  In the spring of 2022, a friend encouraged me to contact Debrah Goetz for medical intuition sessions.

Within the first few minutes of our initial session with Debrah, she picked up on several of his diagnoses:  Lyme disease, heavy metal exposure, Candida, Parasites and mold toxicity.  Debrah and the guides quickly got to work with blood transfusions and numerous other energetic treatments that have helped improve the quality of his life.  My son is currently back in school, rock climbing and doing some other normal teenage activities I wouldn’t have imagined possible 6 months ago. ”

S. Richards, Oregon


“When I first met Debrah I was a mess; I was very desperate.  For 3 months I had been feeling miserable. depressed, and hopeless.  I was having lots of anxiety, lots of fears, feelings of unworthiness also with headaches and dizziness.  I took medication for anxiety, and for sleep, but it did not help.

I was hating myself and I was so hard on myself.

I was not happy.  I felt horrible physically, mentally and emotionally.

When I had session with Debrah she kept telling me that the Guides were doing so much for me.

They are helping me.  I did not feel anything.  I did not believe.

A week later I noticed I was feeling lighter. I noticed the fears had gone; the anxiety is gone.  I was feeling happy.

I noticed I was feeling love for myself and everyone.  I stopped taking medication.

My headaches and dizziness were less.  I was feeling so good.

As I looked more I noticed that I did not feel separation between me and everything and everyone.  I saw I was nothing and I was everything.  I am in love with the world and with myself.  My perception completley changed.

I feel so free now – so free to be me  – so free to express myself and just be me.  And I love me.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Debrah for this miracle!”


“I want to say a huge ***THANK YOU*** I saw Debrah a few months ago to heal a mystery rash that I’ve had for more than 2 years, and it faded away over the 2 weeks following the appointment and has now been completely gone since then!! I am so relieved and happy!  My daughter also had a session with Debrah for tongue-tie.  We recently had her followup appointment with her doctor and her measurements have greatly improved. Thank you!!!”

Hilary C., Colorado

“Debrah, I absolutely enjoyed my session with you. To see that warm, beautiful, smiling face which is so loving and compassionate, makes for a great start. You are such a loving healer, so full of empathy. I just want you to know how your clients perceive you.

The session went off really well, and thank you for transmitting all the info to me. I loved every moment of it.

I loved that I got red roses as a gift as well as a golden baton. I will use all the info well till we meet again.

Thank you and many blessings to you and much love.”

S., India

“What Debrah did was nothing short of amazing. She is simply one of the best healers I have EVER come across. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts ♥️. She was so kind to my nephew and was able to get to the core of his problems, as well as a SUPER duper healing session. I appreciate her time , gifts and energy to help him so much.”

Elizabeth M.

“Thank you for the magnificent gift of healing that you have given me. Each time we work together another layer heals. Your beautiful light shines on so many! It is wonderful that you are able to change so many lives! You’ve already taught me so much and you probably aren’t even aware of it!  Right after our meeting, I didn’t have to use the CPAP machine and the allergies stopped.  You are so amazing!!!  Thank you for the magic of who you are. Your bright light lights the way for many more than you will ever know.”


Twyla H.

“I listened to a replay of Debrah on the You Wealth Revolution show.  She mentioned that a common problem clients had were knees problems. I was particularly interested as I had Injured my knee about 8 years previously and was still experiencing pain and impaired function. Luckily one of the callers asked about a knee problem they were experiencing. Debrah explained how her ‘team’ was working inside the knee joint, smoothing, cleaning and restoring it’s parts. It was an accurate description for me. I had not felt anything like that before. Her team worked on both knees, rejuvenating one knee and repairing the damaged knee to ‘as new’ condition. That was several months ago. I can now play tennis without strapping my knee and worrying about my stability!  Thank you Debrah and your team!”Michele in UK

“Just wanted to Thank You so much for a beautiful healing along with divine, angels, my mom and grandma. What can be more awesome than that?  It was a pleasure and blessing to have met you. You are so gifted, Debrah.  Thanks again.”

Love, Gitika

“My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for over four years.  It has been a very trying and grueling experience for us.  During a session with Debrah, she worked on my reproductive system.  It was a very beautiful session.  I am thrilled to report that we are now expecting a little girl in July!  My doctor confirmed that I conceived about a week following my medical intuitive session with Debrah.   I have so much gratitude for what Debrah was able to provide us.  We will soon be the family that we’ve always hoped to be!”

Betty M., Lake Geneva, WI

“You have changed my life, beautiful woman, and there is no way I can ever repay you!  After 12+ years of living with chronic pain in my back that extended into my hips and down to my knees, and then to have it be magically whisked away by your remarkable skills and team, is pure magic!  All I can offer is my utmost appreciation, utter adoration, deep respect and honest love. I look forward to more encouraging, transformative sessions with you in the future!  Thank you so much!”

Trish H.

“I am very appreciative of spirit for my auspicious opportunity to meet you and work with you.  Even when I was in the depths of despair, my meditations and faith in the universe kept me going.  I asked for a medical intuitive and received you.  How blessed is that? Very!”


“I have to share this with you!… my bother, having experienced a severe brain injury a few months ago, slept 11.5 hours straight last night – the first time in 8 weeks, and he announced this morning that he slept peacefully “with no drugs!”.   His session with you gave him the power and confidence to regain his equilibrium.  Thank you!  You are such a gift to this world!”

Julie P, Geneva, IL

“I can’t tell you just how grateful I feel. I perceived being so held and loved and heard during my session with Debrah!  It was very meaningful and important to me.”

B. Olson

“For well over a year I have been suffering from widespread pain throughout my body, it seemed to stem from my lower back and even affected my feet. I was tired all the time and some days I didn’t want to get out of bed. Naturopathic and allopathic doctors weren’t helpful and I was getting fed up with feeling so awful all of the time.

A friend told me about Deb, and though I was skeptical I figured I had nothing to lose so I set up an appointment. I wasn’t sure how well a remote reading of my body would work but I was willing to give it a try.

Wow! I was blown away! Deb, with the assistance of her guides, pinpointed the trouble zones in my body and did all sorts of work to repair and heal them. She had no way to know what my ailments were as we’d not discussed them previous to the reading, so it was amazing to me that she was able to zero in on each issue so accurately.

The lower back pain and stiffness I had been trying to alleviate for a year were vastly improved, flexibility returned and the pain was nearly gone for the first time in months. What had become chronic widespread pain throughout my body was almost non-existent!

I am so thankful for Deb’s amazing gift and the help of her guides. I’m no longer a skeptic!”

Rebecca O., Seattle, WA

“Debrah, I was indeed dying and you provided me with hope and a sense of value. I felt so light and less alone and filled with a feeling of happiness and peace. I thank you and your guides for this great gift.  Thank you so much for the many gifts you gave me during our session. They will be with me as energizing and love-filled memories!”

Martine D., Oregon

“I felt a big release, especially around the heart area.  With deep thanks for your work with Spirit; and also for your very kind and generous words to my soul.”

Anne F., AZ

“Our session together is exactly what I wanted to experience.  Your work catapulted me into a heightened sense of gratitude and well-being. Feeling very grateful and blessed to connect with you!”

Terese T., Taiwan

“As long as I can remember, I’ve had a great deal of pain in my neck (at the base of my skull) and the lower part of my skull.  I had no idea what was causing it or even when it started.  Deb was able to see that it happened during my birth experience.  She saw a difficult birth experience where hours and hours of pushing had crammed my head and neck up and she could see that my skull was not sitting on my neck correctly.  Because of that, my whole skeletal system was out of alignment.  She started by energetically shifting my left shoulder down and then continued until she had realigned my whole body.  Finally, she put my skull on my neck correctly and put more of a curve in my neck.  I can’t get over the difference!  I have no pain!  There are things that I do (like turning to look over my shoulder when I’m driving and need to change lanes) that have always been painful.  And now I can do them with no pain at all!  After a lifetime of living with the pain, I am so incredibly grateful that I found Deb and had the opportunity to be healed by her.  She has an amazing gift!  My session with her was one of the most incredible experiences I have ever had.

Thanks again, Deb!  I can’t wait to work with you again!”

Debbie P., Westminster, CO

“That was truly an amazing session, so very joyfilled and uplifting. I feel so very blessed to have connected with you and for the divinely guided healing that came through. Thank you for your incredible generosity in all you gave and your embodiment of miracle consciousness.”

All blessings Always,  Susan D.

“Thanks, Debrah for the session today. I definitely feel more energetic have more confidence in myself and a better outlook on life. My headache is noticeably better. Also thank you for addressing that traumatic experience from when I was 7-8 years old. I definitely carried that pain for a very long time.”

“Debrah’s intuitive healing session was amazing and insanely powerful. She assisted in healing my back pain from an accident, and channeled messages from Jesus that were very personal. I highly recommend Debrah to anyone wanting to receive Divine Healing and hear messages from beyond.”

Michelle Huczek, Divine Soul Exploration

“”I first met Debrah at a Body, Mind Spirit Expo. She had a great energy around her, and she had created an inviting and highly tranquil booth at the fair. Once she started the healing, I quickly felt relaxed and peaceful, and didn’t even notice the outside noise.

She cleared a lot of stuck energy, and I feel it flowing and feel lighter as she continued. After that, she moved some stuck fear in my abdomen from an event that happened when I was a young child. She helped me through the clearing, and I felt great afterwards. I’ve had some unexplained fear for a long time, and never associated it with an accident as a child. The 20 minutes flew by, I highly recommend getting a session with Debrah, I will be looking into a longer session with her in the near future.”

Doug D., BeachBody Coach

“After 20 years of back pain, stiffness and tightness, my lower back is completely pain free, loose and flexible. Thank you, Debrah! I’m a believer in the work that you’re doing!”

Christopher R., Lakewood, CO

“Debrah has such positive Divine Light energy! I was immediately attracted to her. My session with Debrah provided instant relief from severe back pain that I’ve had for 5 years, and brought me into a permanent high vibration. She was ‘spot on’ with everything she revealed to me. Debrah works with the highest levels of Ascended Masters and Angelic realms, which are filled with positivity, peace and very high loving vibrations. Complete physical, emotional and spiritual healings result from sessions with Debrah for any recipient of her healing modalities. I highly recommend Debrah Goetz, Medical Intuitive & Spiritual Healer!”

Natasha J., Healer, Denver, CO

“During a Galactic Chiropractic session with Debrah she intuited the tender area around my tailbone. I immediately felt warmth and a release. The tenderness totally disappeared! It was beautiful!”

Dorothy H, Denver, CO

“Prior to my sessions with Debrah, I had pain my my back and stomach and now it is gone. She released a past-life trauma that was held in my cellular memory, and restored my inner balance. I feel a lot better. Thank you, Debrah!”

Robin K., Aurora, CO

“I had a dislocated hip from a car accident many years ago which caused me chronic pain and immobility. When I did a Medical Intuitive session with Debrah, I immediately felt heat in my hips. She worked on my hip socket, clearing out the energy from the trauma, and rebuilt the hip socket, realigned my legs and knees. She then did energetic surgery and I received knee and ankle replacements! I feel so much better! My pain level was 100% before my session. After the session, it was 5%. Debrah is amazing!”

Armin J., Yerevan, Armenia

“Since working with Debrah, I am more in my power which helps my spirits.  I have better energy, moods and attitude.

Working with Debrah has relieved the severe joint pain and muscle spasms I had been experiencing.  My anxiety has completely disappeared, and fatigue has lessened by 80%.  I am truly appreciative, grateful and blessed!”   ~ Red Cloud, N. Carolina

“I slipped down the stairs in my home and heard a loud snap, and felt a sharp pain in my foot. When I reached out to Debrah, I was in great pain, couldn’t move my foot or put any pressure on it. I was devastated at the thought of my half-marathon training come to an abrupt end.

Debrah worked on my foot, which was truly extraordinary, and the results have been nothing short of astounding! By the end of my session, I could walk without crutches and was experiencing only minor pain. Within 24 hours I was pain-free. It’s now 72-hours since my session, and I feel strong and ready to start running again! As someone who has been practicing energy healing for 20+ years, I have never experienced such quick and effective healing!

Many thanks to Debrah, the healing masters, and Soh Wang Tsu for this beautiful session!”

Julie P., Geneva, IL

“I broke my wrist last year walking our 85 pound dog during one of the worst ice storms we’ve ever had in the Chicago area. I am over 50 and have never broken a bone in my body.  This was quite an experience!

Although I had occupational therapy sessions twice a week after I remove the cast, the progress was slow. It was dragging; so I decided to call Deb. I was hesitant about doing a remote session, as Deb lives thousands of miles away.

She told me to relax at a certain time when she was performing the healing. I could tell when she was working on my wrist because I felt it heat up. It was an amazing experience!

My hand was completely restored the very next day. Since then, I had no problems or worries because my wrist is back to 100%. Looking back, it is still hard to believe. But reality reminds me of this blessing every single day. I highly recommend Deb’s healing services.”

Veronica M, Wheaton, IL