Deb's Blog

The Healing Power of Distraction

When it comes to illness and healing, there are numerous ways to recover; from medication to energy healing and everything in between. However, what if we told you there is something you can do to speed up the process?  This might sound too good to believe, but the answer lies simply in the power of distraction. That’s right!  By taking your mind off the disease and focusing on something positive, you can uplevel the vibration of your body and set yourself on the path to swift recovery.


Our Thoughts On the Healing Process

Firstly, it’s essential to understand the role of our thoughts about healing. Our thoughts and feelings create vibrations in our bodies, which can be either helpful or harmful, depending on the situation. Focusing on negative thoughts such as fear, worry, and pain create very low vibrations that hinder our body’s ability to start the healing process. However, we can create beneficial vibrations to ignite physical healing by shifting our focus to positive concepts, such as joy, gratitude, and peace. This is where distraction comes in.


“By finding something positive to focus on, you can shift the vibrations in your body and create an environment that promotes healing.”


There’s No One-Size-Fits-All

Secondly, you might wonder how to distract yourself when in a painful or difficult situation. There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as what works for one person might not work for another. However, some general strategies can be helpful. For example, you might listen to uplifting music, spend time with loved ones who make you feel supported or engage in creative activities like painting or writing. The key is to find something that brings you joy and allows you to forget about your suffering for a while.


Distraction as a Healing Tool

Thirdly, it’s essential to acknowledge that using distraction as a healing tool doesn’t mean ignoring your illness or pretending it doesn’t exist. Instead, it’s about finding a balance between acknowledging your condition and taking steps to heal while focusing on positive experiences and emotions. By acknowledging your illness, all the while shifting your focus to something positive, you create a sense of control over the situation and feel empowered.


“Incorporating positive distraction techniques into your life can create a more positive outlook and improve your overall quality of life.”



While distraction might not be a magic wand for healing every disease, it is a powerful tool that can be incredibly effective when used with other healing strategies. By focusing on positive experiences and emotions, you miraculously create an environment in your body that promotes healing and recovery. So next time you’re feeling down or struggling with an illness, try distracting yourself with something positive – you might be surprised at how effective it can be!


About the Author: Debrah Goetz is a globally recognized medical intuitive, quantum healer, educator, and author.

© 2023 Debrah Goetz and Spiritual Mastery LTD. All rights reserved.

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