Deb's Blog

Transcend Your Story With Quantum Healing

Maybe you, like me have experienced that sinking feeling that you’ve lost your voice? Or, while interacting with others you don’t quite feel like yourself?


I recently had an intense and embodied sense of the loss of myself that ultimately led to crystal clear insight as to what was actually happening. Through painful circumstance, I gained awareness of how to return to myself; yet this time with an even greater understanding of what it means to be an energetic being, and the sacred care I needed to develop within.


During a beautiful session with Debrah one particular morning, we shared experiences of treading over past ground with places and people in our lives. Revisiting deep memories including our places of birth, where we grew up and raised our families, and reconnecting with friends with whom we’ve had varying degrees of estrangement.


These insights from the past gave rise to not only facing,

but processing some of my deepest heartache.


In our connection and consequent energy flow that arose, our clarity expanded, and hearts opened wide. We became aware of a renewed energy that expanded beyond ourselves.

However, my feelings of bliss didn’t last long.  For, later that day I had a conversation with a distant acquaintance.  A familiar, yet distant sense of oppression engulfed me as I fumbled for words to explain why I was making ‘out of the norm’ decisions for my life and well-being.  I choked up, went into freeze mode, and was sorely depleted.

I am generally skillful at navigating my way through interactions such as this without compromising myself and my values. Yet, this time my nervous system locked up and I went into panic mode, evidenced by neck tightness, muscle stiffness, an imminent sore throat, and a headache.

Following hours of recovery, I had the gracious awareness of the energetic phenomena and the deep, visceral understanding of the old saying of what it means for someone to “jump down my throat”.

I equalized my energy by utilizing incredible and resourceful tools I had learned from Debrah.


The dense energy shifted once I acknowledged, alchemized and released.


Sometimes, I can do this very quickly, but this time I hit upon something bigger, ancient and ancestral that needed my fullest attention. While staying present, I asked myself, ‘What energy is still resounding within me that would trigger such a response?’


The answer became crystal clear: the human concepts of self-worth and safety.


I had to excavate a deeper layer within myself to remember my truth as a divine being that needed to be loved back into wholeness.


Through realizing the pattern and deep reflection I was able to reclaim the broader expansiveness of my being. And, gratefully, the intense physical pain made way for more light in my core – more clarity, more confidence, more authenticity.


These auspicious times are calling us to utilize our ‘back-to-the-basics’ tools, in combination with advanced skills. Therefore, if quantum healing is new to you, or if you’ve been practicing for decades and need up-leveled support for yourself, I encourage you to check out our Divine Offerings.


Need support in creating miraculous shifts to stand stall amidst life’s challenges? Book a Soul Path Visioning Session with me, Elizabeth Ann.


Peace & Wellbeing

About the Author: Debrah Goetz is a globally recognized medical intuitive, quantum healer, educator, and author.

© 2023 Debrah Goetz and Spiritual Mastery LTD. All rights reserved.

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