Deb's Blog

The Power of Speaking To Your Body

Did you know that you are the Commander of your body, and that each and every cell within the body is awaiting instruction from you?

The cells of our bodies were, at birth, preprogrammed to perform their specific duties within the body.  Sometimes they can get out of whack. Emotional or physical trauma, continuous negative thoughts about yourself or others, worry, or even environmental toxins will affect the health of a cell.  When left to their own reaction from these distortions, pain, illness and disease will eventually result. They, then, need to be brought back to their original blueprint, or state of wellness.

Think of each cell of your body as a character that has a persona; this persona has consciousness.  It holds every emotion, negative or positive, that you give it, and will react either negatively or positively according to those emotions.

Pain, illness and disease result from unresolved traumatic occurrences.  Even a negative thought can feel like a trauma to a physical cell.

And, if not you, then whose job is it to provide instructions to the body to get back on track toward health?

The body awaits instruction.

When you feel pain in your body, or you become ill, have allergic reactions, are overweight, experience poor immune function, need to detox, release anxiety, depression and fear, or simply wish to establish healthy gut function, command the cells of your body to realign to your good instruction.

Years ago, after having been in a car accident, my body was in shock.  The fight/flight/freeze response that my body experienced lingered much longer than anticipated.  I was shaky; I didn’t feel like myself.  The tension in my nervous system landed directly in a weak spot in my body: my eyelids; they advanced into protection mode.

Held tightly in their fear, the cells of my eyelids stopped producing lashes, and a third of them fell out.  As you can imagine, this made me even more frightened.  Was this the end of my lashes?

One day, as I was washing my face it occurred to me to speak to my eyelashes with encouragement.  Every morning and every evening thereafter, I thanked them for the work they had done for me up until then.  I told them that they were not alone; I had their back.  I told them it was safe to grow back.

Within a week I noticed new lashes sprouting; within a few weeks, I had, once more, a full set of eyelashes!

A happy cell is a healthy cell.

I encourage you to get used to programming your body with feelings of safety, protection, correction, alignment, and joy to bring diseased cells back to health.

Build a love relationship with your body.

Give your body a voice.  Its pain and illness are already messages for you.  So, listen.  Then encourage and love it into correction and realignment with its original blueprint to support you.

Again, if not you, then who will give both voice and instruction to the ‘you’ that will take you through the rest of your healthy, energetic life?

Here’s to your health!

From my heart to yours,


About the Author:  Debrah Goetz is a globally recognized medical intuitive, quantum healer, educator and author.

© 2023 Debrah Goetz and Spiritual Mastery LTD. All rights reserved.

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