Deb's Blog

Into 5D: Mourning the Past

(The following is a channeled message from the Galactic Family of Light)

Many of you at this time are experiencing sadness and grief stemming from changes in, or even loss of relationships you once held dear.

You crave deeper connection with those whom you love.

Yet, those with whom you typically shared the deepest parts of yourself are no longer able to go there with you.

Relationships that you once held sacred are changing.

For instance:

  • Your ‘person’ is no longer available to chat on the phone or hold space for you when you are going through something.
  • Your friends’ moral values have changed.
  • Family members feel like strangers to you.
  • There is no longer depth to your conversations.
  • Little by little, the loved ones seem further and further away.

You struggle with the pain of feeling them slip away, yearning for what once was.

The impulse to cling to what you’ve always known is natural. Yet, the past is rapidly receding.

Moving into 5D is a deeply transformative journey that involves letting go of the past and embracing the present moment. It is a process of shedding old beliefs, patterns, and attachments to connect more deeply with one’s true self and the divine.

Profound relationship shifts can feel very painful, causing real loneliness, and its sister emotion of grief.

Grief can feel complicated. It is important to honor these feelings of sadness and nostalgia, while also recognizing that letting go of the past is necessary for growth and spiritual evolution. The old patterns can no longer exist in your new reality. Mourning, then, becomes an integral part of the awakening process, allowing us to release what no longer serves us, creating space for new beginnings and deeper connections with ourselves and the divine.

Because of the shifts in your energy body, your morals and values have upshifted. Because of your heightened sensitivity and expanded consciousness, you realize that it’s not ‘they’ who have changed.

It is, indeed, you who are changing. Your ideals. Your heart. Your sensitivities. Old energies can no longer meet your expanded heart of love.

You have upshifted, causing you to view your world in new ways.

As you continue to integrate your frequencies the dense emotions of grief will not be found.

This is the 5th dimension.

You have two choices:

1. Give into the familiar pull of past comforts which are no longer there. Or,
2. Embrace the new energies of the 5th dimension.

Learn to navigate these shifts with a sense of playfulness, knowing that, as the old fades away, what is coming exceeds any expectation you had previously held.

You are embodying sacredness in human form.

Receive that which is new and magical – bright and easy. Remain open to new relationships to come into your life stream – new friendships with those who are like you – abundant, joyful, expansive and who possess a zest for life!

This is the shift you have long awaited. It’s time to come home. Your soul is calling you.

The Galactic Family of Light




About the Author: Debrah Goetz is a globally recognized medical intuitive, quantum healer, educator, and author.

© 2024 Debrah Goetz and Spiritual Mastery LTD. All rights reserved.

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