The Medical Intuitive Mentoring Program

Do you lack confidence in your intuitive abilities? 

Do you wish you had effective tools and knowledge to perform medical intuition and help others heal?

Are you ready to explode your intuition, your income, and influence using your healing abilities?


The Divine has a message for you:

“If not you, then whom do we choose? We search the world for those whose hearts are as pure as yours!”

Do you lack confidence in your intuitive abilities? 

Do you wish you had the tools and knowledge to help others as a Certified Medical Intuitive?

Are you ready to explode your intuition, your income, and influence using new-found skills?

Do you doubt that you are called to be a Medical Intuitive?


The Divine has a message for you:

“If not you, then whom do we choose? We search the world for those whose hearts are as pure as yours!”

Years ago Deb was given an impactful vision.  In this vision was of a lineup of current Lightworkers on the planet; however, too many empty spots remained……many more certified healers are needed to fill the ranks of healers during this pivotal time of global transformation.

Since being shown that incredible vision, Deb has committed her life’s work to training not only healers. but Certified Medical Intuitives.

Be led and trained by globally recognized medical intuitive, Deb Goetz and the Golden Angel, the benevolent Healing Masters, and Galactics who taught her everything she knows, including 20+ proprietary healing techniques.

Will you say “yes” to helping Deb complete her life’s mission, by filling the empty spots?   Join the ranks by becoming a Certified Medical Intuitive today.

Take advantage of this exclusive opportunity.  Prepare yourself for a career as a medical intuitive and quantum energy healer.  Receive unparalleled support to help your friends and loved ones recover from pain, illness and disease, or build a strong foundation for your energy healing practice.

Either way, Deb and the Guides are eager to journey this transformative, heartfelt path with you.

“The Medical Intuitive Mentoring Program opened me up to so much more than I had even imagined.  I’m learning so much, trusting my guides, and feeling them around me all of the time”. 

“After receiving the Golden Angel attunement, I truly felt moved to the next level of healing.” 

              “Loved each and every module – very thorough.”

The time has come for you to take the reins of your life and use your innate abilities to assist humanity in healing their bodies, minds and souls during this time of global transformation when your gifts are so desperately needed.

  • Become a highly attuned vessel for healing wisdom 
  • Learn to heal from the Quantum Field
  • Help others recover from despair, pain and suffering
  • Hone your intuition skills to an expert level with clear energetic boundaries
  • Learn real-time intuition skills that you can apply right away to help your clients
  • Work at home while safely serving your clients and earning a living with Deb’s proprietary tools
  • Discover how to track the root of any health challenge
  • Receive the high-frequency anointing of the Golden Angel during a LIVE ceremony with Debrah to expand your miraculous gifts.
  • Gain confidence in utilizing your newly-acquired quantum techniques and tools
  • Build friendships with other gifted souls like yourself
  • 24 live Zoom class sessions 
  • A Private Supportive 1:1 meeting with Deb throughout the program
  • Receive Designation as a Medical Intuitive
  • Begin practicing as a Certified Medical Intuitive
healing hands

24 Developmental Modules Include

  • Over 36 hours of live interaction, instruction & practice with Deb
  • Receive an energetic transmission of “The Golden Angel” who, in 2014 embodied Deb, which ignited her Medical Intuition practice
  • A brief history of Medical Intuition
  • Developing trust and confidence in your abilities
  • Learn Debrah’s high-frequency tools and techniques
  • • The mechanics of Medical Intuition
  • • An in-depth study of the chakra system
  • • Study of the subconscious mind & healing
  • • Connect with the Healing Masters
  • • Basics of Anatomy & Physiology, and all systems of the body
  • • Genes, DNA & The Innate Body
  • • Advanced Protection & Clearing Techniques
  • • Heart Chakra & Pineal Gland Activations
  • • Distance practice sessions
  • • Galactic Chiropractic Technique
  • • All the preparation needed to graduate into Level 2 of the Medical Intuitive Mentoring Program.


  • 24 live weekly 90-minute Zoom meetings (choose the AM or PM class at registration)
  • A private 1:1 check-in session with Deb throughout the program
  • Downloadable recordings of all class sessions, yours to keep
  • Personalized, Light-encoded channeled messages/healings
  • Guided practice sessions
  • Videos (yours to keep) of Debrah performing her proprietary techniques
  • The Golden Healing Angel frequency transmission performed by Debrah during a LIVE ceremony
  • The Exclusive 23-part Medical Intuitive Mentoring Manual
  • The Medical Intuitive Sacred Oath
  • Graduation ceremony – Certificate of Completion presented to you by Deb to begin your practice as a Certified Medical Intuitive


Prior to the start of the Program, you will receive an in-depth intake form containing questions about your spiritual journey and healing experience, if any. This allows Debrah to become more familiar with you in order to customize the program to the needs of the group.

We celebrate the kick-off of the program with a 2-day in-person Induction and Introduction with Deb at her private residence in Florida. During this time we will get to know one another, discuss the intricacies of the program, begin the first module of the program, AND you will receive the anointing of the GOLDEN ANGEL who embodied Deb which ignited her medical intuition abilities and practice. (Unable to attend live?  We will livestream the class portions and Golden Angel Anointing so you won’t miss out.)

Following the Induction, we go into our weekly class schedule where a new module of the program manual is sent to you.  You will have a week to absorb the module (and included videos of Deb performing her proprietary healing techniques), and then we meet live on Zoom to discuss what you learned, address any issues you may be experiencing, and receive encouragement and support.

During the program, you will have the opportunity to meet with Deb for a one-hour personalized session where you will receive help where you may be struggling, have your questions answered, receive encouragement and feel supported.

A generous portion of the Medical Intuitive Mentoring Program is dedicated to practicing with each other and live practice clients, gently guided by Deb.

At the program’s end, you be presented with a certificate of completion at your LIVE graduation ceremony at Deb’s private residence in Florida.

Cost: $3600

One might expect to pay tens of thousands of dollars for a comprehensive education and career path preparation such as this.  Yet, the field of medical intuition needs so many more healers like you during this time of global transformation. Therefore, Deb is keeping this training program as affordable as possible. The cost of this live, supportive, highly-interactive program is ONLY $600/month.

6-month payment plan: $600/month for 6 consecutive months. Payment in full is required to graduate at the program’s end.  Select your payment options below.

Questions?  Please email us at

Registration Coming Soon

Email us at to be added to our registration wait list.

What others are saying about the Medical Intuitive Mentoring Program:

“A very powerful and compassionate teacher. After receiving the Golden Angel attunement, I truly felt moved to the next level of healing. My connection with Spirit is much clearer and healing sessions with clients flow more freely, naturally and at a deeper level.“


“After receiving the Golden Angel attunement and the Galactic Chiropractic technique I did a healing on a client that I’ve known for over 12 years. She was amazed at the level of healing and how deep I was able to go. She said “Wow! You are really getting good at this!”  Thank you, Debrah!”



“Before I took the Medical Intuitive Mentoring Program, I thought that everything Debrah does is so beautiful.  When she offered the program, I had many doubts, and told myself, “I’m not ready. There’s no way I can do what she does.”  Then after thinking more about it, I decided to just register for the program and see what happens.”


“I have opened up so much since the program began. Everything has changed so dramatically, which is just incredibly amazing.”


“I had no idea what was going to come out of taking the medical intuitive program, and now I am definitely going to make this my career.  This is the path I’m supposed to be on.  I want to open my own healing business as a result.  I went from, “I don’t know if I’ll be able to do this”, to “I’m going to make this my career!  This is going to be my business.  It’s insane that only 6 months ago I doubted myself.  Thank you so much for everything you’ve given us and taught us!”


“Our class was wovem together in a beautiful tapestry of healing and support, Light and High Vibration.  Thank you so much!”


“Great mentor!  Excellent teacher!”


“Loved each and every module – very thorough.”


“Thank you, Debrah for the beauty, Light and high vibration that you brought to us!”